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#24 What does 作るmean?? ~ Japanese money is crazy~

2019. 1. 8

Hello everyone.

How are you?

It's kÜshi.

You can study about Japan while learning Japanese

here. That's the best way.

Today I tell you trivia about Japanese money.

So let's go!!


Today's word is 作る

Reads: tsuku-ru
Means: to make

How to write 作👇


Example sentence:

・一万円札 は たったの 23円 で 作ら れる
/ichi-man-en-satsu wa tattano nijū-san-en de tsuku-rareru/

...10,000-yen bills are made with only 23 yen


This is surprising!!

10,000 yen is actually so cheap?!

By the way, 1-yen coins are made with 3 yen and

5-yen coins are made with 7 yen.

I have one more trivia about 10,000-yen bills.

They have the word "nippon" in them. When you get

some, why not try to look for!!

So I explain about the grammars used in the sentence.

👉一万円札は/ichi-man-en-satsu wa/

一 is kanji of 1.

万 means "ten thousand"

円 is read "en" though it's read "yen" in English.

札 means "bill"

So 一万円札 means 10,000-yen bills.

That's simple!

Then は means "is", "are" and "am"

So 一万円札は means 10,000-yen bills are.

○About は

This Hiragana is usually read "ha" in nouns, verbs,

adjectives, and so on.

In other hand, it's read "wa" when it's used as "is",

"are", and "am"


This means "only" or "no more than"

たった is usually used with 〜しか…ない


/tattano go-nin shika inai/
... There're no more than 5 people.

→人 means "person"
→5人 means five people.

→しか(shika) has no meaning. But when you say

ない at the end, you should put しか after nouns, in

this case, it's 5人.

→いない is a negative form of いる, which means

"someone exists".

If you say ある(aru), it means "something exists"

The sentence doesn't have ない, so doesn't しか, either.

👉たったの23円/tattano nijū-san-en/

This means "only 23 yen"


で means "with", in this case.


This is a passive form of 作る, which means to


You can make a passive form, basically by putting

れる after verbs. And there's one more rule. れる is

put after "a".

For example:

...to eat

/ta-berA RERU/
...to be eaten

...to write

/ka-kA RERU/
...to be written

...to read

/yo-mA RERU/
...to be read

...to hit

/tata-kA RERU/
...to be hit

...to do

...to be done

See, they all have "~a reru", right?

So 作られる "tsuku-rA RERU" means "to be made"

That's all explanations!

Now you can translate the sentence!

一万円札はたったの23円で作られる this means:

"10,000-yen bills are made with only 23 yen"

So that's all today.

Thank you so much for reading.

Ask me if you have any questions.

I hope this helps you.

See you next time~!

Other kanji 帰る👇