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#41 The difference between こと and もの. ~ A unique expression to Japanese ~

2019. 2. 4

Hi everyone, how are you?

It's kÜshi.

Today I explain about the difference between こと

and もの.

Both of them can be translated as "something" or


But they're completely different to us.

You should always use different, but don't worry, it's

anything but confusing.

I hope you get it in the end.



This means something which can be seen.

This can be written as 物.

For example:

... something to drink

飲む means to drink (not only alcohol)

"something to drink" can be seen, so 物 is used for it.

・好きな もの
/su-kina mono/
... something I like

もの is used in it, so it should be seen such as dogs,

foods, songs and so on.



This means, you know, something which can't be seen.

For example,

/no-mu koto/
...to drink

The action to drink itself can't be seen, so こと is

used for it.

飲むこと is used like this:

お酒 を 飲むこと が 好き
/o-sake o no-mu koto ga su-ki/
...I like to drink sake.

・好きな こと
/su-kina koto/
... something I like

This shouldn't be seen because it has こと in it, right?

So it means like favorite things which can't be seen,

such as sports, subjects, actions and so on.

But, we don't usually use こと instead of such

things not to make sentences vague.

In other hand, the expressions like 飲む こと

(verbs+ こと) are often used.


That's all explanations.

That's not confusing, is that?

もの can be seen and こと can't.

That's all today.

Thank you so much for reading.

I hope this helps you.

Ask me if you have any questions.

See you next time~

Organized Japanese verbs👇

Organized Japanese verbs ~ part 2 ~👇