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#20 What does 呪う mean? ~ Cursed 4 and 9~

2019. 1. 4

Hello everyone.

How are you?

Thank you so much for coming here.

It's kÜshi.

I hope you like this site.


So today's word is 呪う

Reads: noro-u
Means: curse
How to write 呪👇


Example sentence:

・4 と 9 は 呪われた 数字 として 考えら れ て いる。

/yon to kyū wa noro-wareta sū-ji toshite kanga-era re te iru/

…4 and 9 are thought as cursed numbers


Are there any kind of numbers cursed in your culture??

In Japan, China, and Korea, 4 and 9 are thought that they are cursed.

4 is read as well "shi" and the word, 死ぬ (to die) is

read as "SHI-nu". So it's said to be cursed.

And 9 is read as well "ku" and the word, 苦しむ (to

be suffered) is read as "KUru-shimu". So it's cursed.

That may sounds stupid to you, and actually it does

to me, but a little people mind that, so 4 and 9 are

sometimes excepted from the hotel room numbers,

and the floor numbers in elevators.

That is why 4 and 9 are cursed in Japan, but I don't know why in China and in Korea, too.

So I explain about the grammars used in the sentence!!

👉4と9(yon to kyū)

4 is usually read as "yon"

9 is usually read as "kyū" and is read "ku" so little.

と means "and"

4 is sometimes read as "shi".

When you say "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10", it's like

"ichi, ni, san, SHI, go, roku, SHICHI, hachi, kyū, jū"

But when you say "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1", it's like

"jū, kyū, hachi, NANA, roku, go, YON, san, ni, ichi"

4 and 7 are changed, but there's no rule for it.

👉呪われた数字(noro-wareta sū-ji)

呪われた means "to be cursed" and it's used like adjective.

数字 means "a number"

So 呪われた数字 means "a cursed number"

数 means "how many it is"
字 means "a letter" like ABC and "a character"

So 数字 is like "1, 2, 3, ...."

I explain how to make an adjective from verbs.

The way is basically to putting れた after verbs.

But you also have to change the verbs' forms, themselves.

For example,

...to eat

/ta-berA RETA hito/
...an eaten man

...to drow

/ka-kA RETA e/
...a drown picture

...to see

/mi-rA RETA doro-bō/
...a seen thief

...to read

/yo-mA RETA hon/
...a read book

As you can see, the verbs'changing is very simple.
Just change to "A" from "U"

So 呪われた(noro-wA RETA) means "to be cursed"


This means "as"

"As" has many usage, but として isn't used same.

For example:

/nin-gen toshite/
...(he's wrong) as human beings

/ten-sai toshite/
...(we regard him) as a genius

So 呪われた数字として means "as a cursed number"

👉考えら れ て いる(kanga-era re te iru)

This is a passive and progressive form of 考える, which means "to think" or "to regard".

In this case, I use it as the meaning of "to regard"

The way how to make a passive form is similar as

the way to make an adjective from verbs.

You can make a passive form, basically by putting

れる after verbs, whoes end are changed to "A" from "U".

This is much the same as making adjective.

For example:

...to eat

/ta-berA RERU/
...to be eaten

...to drow

/ka-kA RERU/
...to be drown

...to see

/mi-rA RERU/

...to read

/yo-mA RERU/

That couldn't be simpler!!!

So 考えられる(kanga-erA RERU) means "to be thought" or "to be regarded"

And then you make it progressive.

You can make a progressive form basically by

putting ている after verbs. But there's some changings with many exceptions.

For example:

...to eat

/ta-be TEIRU/
... I'm eating

...to drow

/ka-i TEIRU/
... I'm drowning

...to see

/mi- TEIRU/
... I'm seeing

... to read

/yo-m DEIRU/

...to talk

/hana-shi TEIRU/
... I'm talking

...to run

... I'm running

...to walk

/aru-i TEIRU/
... I'm walking

These are some examples and I showed all changes.

You'll come to know how to change the verbs' forms by getting used.

So you don't have to hurry to remember all.

So 考えられている(kanga-e rare TEIRU), this means "to being thought"

So that's all explanations.

Now you understand the sentence!

4と9は呪われた数字として考えられている, this means like this:

"4 and 9 are being thought as cursed numbers"

But this is not natural so it means this:

"4 and 9 are thought as cursed numbers"

So that's all today.

Thank you so much for reading.

Ask me if you have any questions.

I hope this helps you a lot.

See you next time~!