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#2 What does 火 meam? ~ Japanese kanji~

2018. 12.15

Hello everyone.

How are you?

Thank you so much for coming here.

It's kÜshi.

🔴I help you study kanji and Japanese
by making example sentences with

And then I explain the grammars and
all the kanji which are used in the

🔴I realized that I should make useful
sentences so that you can learn kanii
with very natural Japanese which we
usually use, not formal ones.

🔴The method to study here.

I always make very natural sentences,
so they are sometimes difficult to

But don't worry. I explain everything in

So this is one of the best methods to
study here.

1. Copy the sentences on paper

2. Read aloud the sentence while
looking it.

3. Read the explanations.

I hope this helps you a lot!

So today's kanji is 火

Reads: hi
Means: fire

How to write 火↓

Ex. I like to see burning fire.
...私は 火が もえて いる の を 見る の が 好き
/Watashi wa hi ga moete iru no o mi-ru no ga su-ki/

This is a so confusing sentence XD

Don't worry, I'll explain everything.

👉私は(わたしは, watashi wa)
This meams "I"

If you say 私に(watashi ni), it meams "me".
And 私の(watashi no) means "my"

👉火(ひ, hi) means fire

👉もえて いる(moete iru)

This is a progressive form of もえる(moeru), which means to burn.

And if you put いる(iru) after verbs, you can make a progressive form.

So もえている means like "it's burning"

So why isn't it もえるいる?

This is one of the difficult grammars of Japanese.

If verbs have another verb (in this case, it's いる), they change themselves like もえて いる.

For example,

たべる(taberu)...to eat
たべて いる(tabeTE iru)...be eating

はなす(hanasu)...to talk
はなして いる(hanashiTE iru)...be talking

走る(hashi-ru)...to run
走って いる(hashiTTE iru)...be running

よむ(yomu)...to read
よんでいる(yomDE iru)...be reading

You got completely confused??

Yeah this is one of the most difficult rules because there're few rules XD.

All you have to do is get used to the changes.

If you study for a long time, you'll be able to make the changes without no thinking.

So you don't have to hurry to get it completely now.

👉もえている の

You understand what もえている means now.

Yes, it means "burning"

So what is の(no)?

This is a special word.

の makes sentences nouns.

This explanation is not very good XD

So for example,

もえている means "burning"
もえているの meams "being burning"

So "I see fire burning'' means
火が もえているのを 見る

もえているの is an object of 見る(mi-ru, to see)

👉見るの(み-る の, mi-ru no)

This is the same.

見る means to see. And の makes 見る a noun.

見るの が 好き means "I like to see"

👉好き(す-き, su-ki)

This means to like.

So 私は火がもえているのを見るのが好き, this means " I like to see burning fire"

So that's all today.

Thank you for reading!

It was very confusing today.

So ask me if you have any questions.

See you next time!