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#9 What does 乗る mean? ~ Japanese kanji and about Japan~

2018. 12. 22

Hello everyone.
How are you?

Thank you so much for coming here.

It's kÜshi.

🔴I help you study kanji and Japanese
by making example sentences with

And then I explain the grammars and
all the kanji which are used in the

🔴I realized that I should make useful
sentences so that you can learn kanii
with very natural Japanese which we
usually use, not formal ones.

🔴The method to study here.

I always make very natural sentences,
so they are sometimes difficult to

But don't worry. I explain everything in

So this is one of the best methods to
study here.

1. Copy the sentences on paper

2. Read aloud the sentence while
looking it.

3. Read the explanations.

I hope this helps you a lot!

I was advised that it's better to write an example sentence ABOUT JAPAN.

I thought that's a good idea!!!

So from today, I'll tell you about Japan in the example sentences!

(If possible..XD)

Thank you so much for advising!!


So today's kanji is 乗る

Reads: no-ru
Meams: to ride on
How to write 乗👇


Example sentence (about Japan!!)

1. When you ride on the bus in West Japan, you enter from the back door.

...西日本 で バス に 乗る とき、後ろ の ドア から入り ます

/nihon de basu ni no-ru toki, ushi-ro no doa kara
hai-ri masu/

This is what I've wanted to tell you.

Many foreign people enter the bus from the front door.

In Tokyo, you can enter from the front door, but in the West Japan, such as Osaka, you should enter from the bank one.

That's no problem if you mistake tho:-)

So I'll explain the grammar used in the sentence.


This means "west"


This means "Japan"

So 西日本 means "West Japan"

Very simple👍


This means like "in", "at", "on"

For example,

in the park...公園で
公園(kouen) means "a park"

at the shop...店で
店(mise) means "a shop"

on the train...電車で
電車(densha) means "a train"


This means, you know, "a bus"

This word is made from "bus", so it's written with katakana.


This means "to ride on"


とき(toki) means like "when~"

So 乗るとき means "when you ride on~"


This means "back''


This word is made from "door"

So it means "door" and is written with katakana.


後ろ(ushi-ro) means "back"

ドア(doa) means "door"

の(no) means "of"

So 後ろのドア means like "a door of the back"

("a door in the back" is more natural? But I think you can still understand what ut meams)

から(kara) meams "from"

So 後ろのドアから means "from the door of the back"

👉入ります(hai-ri masu)

This is a polite form of 入る, which means to enter.

If you put ます(masu) to verbs, you can make polite forms.

For example,

たべる(taberu)...to eat
→たべます(tabe MASU)

作る(tsuku-ru)...to make
→作ります(tsuku-ri MASU)

書く(ka-ku)...to write
→書きます(ka-ki MASU)

見る(mi-ru)...to see

読む(yo-mu)...to read
→読みます(yo-mi MASU)

寝る(ne-ru)...to go to bed

する(suru)...to do
→します(shi MASU)

話す(hana-su)...to talk
→話します(hana-shi MASU)

飲む(no-mu)...to drink
→飲みます(no-mi MASU)

歩く(aru-ku)...to walk
→歩きます(aru-ki MASU)

変える(ka-eru)...to change
→変えます(ka-e MASU)

So 西日本でバスに乗るとき後ろのドアから入ります, this means "when you ride on the bus in West Japan, you enter from the bank door"

So that's all today.

Thank you so much for reading.

I hope this helps you a lot.

I'm waiting for your questions and advces!

See you next time~~!!