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#8 What does 人 means? ~ Japanese Kanji~

2018. 12. 21

Hello everyone.
How are you?

Thank you so much for coming here.

It's kÜshi.

🔴I help you study kanji and Japanese
by making example sentences with

And then I explain the grammars and
all the kanji which are used in the

🔴I realized that I should make useful
sentences so that you can learn kanii
with very natural Japanese which we
usually use, not formal ones.

🔴The method to study here.

I always make very natural sentences,
so they are sometimes difficult to

But don't worry. I explain everything in

So this is one of the best methods to
study here.

1. Copy the sentences on paper

2. Read aloud the sentence while
looking it.

3. Read the explanations.

I hope this helps you a lot!


Today's kanji is 人!

Reads: hito
Means: a person
How to write 人👇

Example sentence:

1. They're few people here at night.
...夜 ここ には ほとんど 人 が いない
/yoru koko niwa hotondo hito ga inai/

👉夜(よる, yoru)

This means "night", and also means "at night"


This means "here"

But in Japanese, you have to add the word, に.

Because ここ is just a noun. So you make it to be an adverb like "here"

For example,

"I want to go there"

This means そこに行きたい.

そこ(soko) is a noun, which means "there", so you have to put the word "に", and it's changed to an adverb.


If you find this word, you must find "ない" like

And this means "they're few...."

So ほとんど 人が いない, this means "there're few people"

That's easy.


This is translated as "people".

Japanese nouns don't have to change to a plural form.

When you emphasize that "there're some people, not one", you say 人たち(hito tachi)


This is a negative form of いる(iru), which means to exist.

If you put ない after verbs, you can make a negative form.

For example:

たべる(taberu)...to eat
たべない(tabe NAI)... not to eat

見る(mi-ru)...to see
見ない(mi-NAI)...not to see

切る(ki-ru)...to cut
切らない(ki-ra NAI)...not to cut

話す(hana-su)...to talk
話さない(hana-sa NAI)...not to talk

読む(yo-mu)...to read
読まない(yo-ma NAI)...not to read

する(suru)...to do
しない(shi NAI)...not to do

書く(ka-ku)...to write
書かない(ka-ka NAI)...not to write

作る(tsuku-ru)...to make
作らない(tsuku-ra NAI)...not to make

聞く(ki-ku)...to hear
聞かない(ki-ka NAI)...not to hear

So 夜ここにはほとんど人がいない, this means
"There're few people here at night"

So that's all today.

Thank you so much for reading.

I hope this helps you a lot.

Ask me if you have any questions.

See you next time~!